In this assignment, my task was to capture the different moods of people. I tried to make the moods obvious so you would not have to wonder what I was trying to convey. The first picture I was trying to represent joy, the second picture, irritation/shamefulness, and the third picture sadness. The first picture was taken of my friend Brittany. She seems to always be happy, so I felt that she was the best person to express this mood. The second picture, I went to my school's library and got the librarian and my friend Tiffany to pose this scene. The idea was to portray a librarian getting mad at a student for being too loud in the library. The third and final picture was taken of my grandfather while he was moving his belongings out of his apartment. This was a very sad time for him for many reasons. He had just lost his wife not too long ago, and was also leaving his home of many years.

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